Oak View, California

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The Road from Ventura to Ojai


Reproduced essentially verbatim (some spelling corrections) from a copy of the article
found in The Sentinel. The Sentinel was an Oak View newspaper whose address was:
P.O. Box 504 - MI 9-1754 It was published weekly on Thursday by Chuck and Faye Hill,
with advertising by Joe Colville

Thursday, January 29, 1959, THE OAK VIEW SENTINEL

by Percy G. Watkins

(Ed. Note: Mr. Watkins concludes his recollections of the road to Nordhoff from Ventura at the turn of the century.)

      The land owned by Judge Brown, reaching from the San Antonio Creek to the Grade Road, now belongs to Mr. B. E. McCormick, a resident of Ventura. Only a short distance marks its frontage on Highway 399 from where the new pipe line of V.R.M.W.D. crosses the road at Santa Ana Vista by the road that leads to Skyline Estates.
     Stevens Land Co. of Los Angeles owned the land which now covers part of Mira Monte, Midway Acres, and land to the Krotona Institute property, and part of the Ventura River bottom to Meiners Ranch (now Meiners Oaks). An abandoned home stood across the railroad tracks from the location of the Mira Monte School.
     The ranch north of the Feraud property ( mentioned last week ) belonged to a Mrs. Barrett. She had two children. Louie was the older, was married and had two children. Charles attended the Arnaz School with his cousin Naude Jackson who lived with the family.
---------- some of the article is not copied in the photocopy from the Oak View library.